ISSN: 2329-8863



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Trend and Indices Analysis of Temperature and Precipitation in Order to Find the Impact of Climate Change in Metu District, Southwestern Ethiopia

Bezabih Adisu

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges faced by humankind as it poses an existential threat to many aspects of the current social–ecological landscape of natural and human systems. A set of temperature data for trend and compound indices derived using daily resolution climatic time series data was examined to assess climate change from 1982 to 2019 used for trend and indices analysis. This study was undertaken to analyze temperature trend and precipitation indices in Metu, southwestern of Ethiopia. The study employed Mann-Kendall’s test to detect change in temperature trends and R-limdex for analyze the trend of temperature and precipitation indices. Results for temperature trend analysis for Metu district indicated significant increasing trends at 1%; overall, the observed trends were statistically significant at 1% and 5%. On the other hand, the distribution of the annual precipitation index trends indicated that the negative and positive significant trends mainly occurred in the study area. In terms of temperature indices, all stations have shown consistent patterns for every extreme temperature index. Increasing annual trend magnitudes in six temperature indices (i.e., warm nights, Max. Tmin, Min. Tmax and Max Tmax. The study suggests strategies to enhance the adaptive capacity of agricultural systems and to reduce the likelihood of production risks.

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