ISSN: 2155-9872



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音量 6, 問題 3 (2015)


Three-Dimensional (3D) Cell Cultures in Cell-based Assays for in-vitro Evaluation of Anticancer Drugs

  • Audrey F Adcock, Goral Trivedi, Rasheena Edmondson, Courtney Spearman and Liju Yang


A Portable Microcontrolled Pumping Flow System Developed to In Loco Determination of Diuron at Nanomolar Levels Employing a Disposable Biosensor

  • Bruno C Janegitz, Fernando Campanhã Vicentini, Vagner B dos Santos, Thiago B Guerreiro and Orlando Fatibello-Filho


A Highly Sensitive Method for the Quantitation of Polysorbate 20 and 80 to Study the Compatibility between Polysorbates and m-Cresol in the Peptide Formulation

  • Shuai Shi, Zhi Chen, Joseph M Rizzo, Andrew Semple, Sarita Mittal, Jason K Cheung, Daisy Richardson, Valentyn Antochshuk and Mohammed Shameem


A Highly Adaptable Method for Quantification of Peptidyl-tRNA Hydrolase Activity

  • W. Blake Holloway, Hana McFeeters, Adam M Powell, Gnana S Nidadavolu and Robert L McFeeters


Urinary Excretion and Renal Clearance of Allopurinol in Female Gout Patients

  • Bilal Ahmed, Imtiaz SohailTahira Iqbal, Abdual Ghaffar and Bushra Munir


Analysis of Soluble Microbial Products by Mass Spectrometry: Potential in Monitoring Bioprocesses of Wastewater Treatment

  • Huixing Feng, Yan Zhou, Guili Zhao, Jaslyn Lee, Chenghong Guo, Wun Jern Ng and Wei Ning Chen


The Versatility of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry in Modern Biology

  • Srinivas Jayanthi, Jacqueline Morris, Beatrice Kachel, Musaab Al-Ameer, Rory Henderson, Paul D Adams and Thallpuaranam Krishnaswamy Suresh Kumar