ISSN: 2375-4338

イネ研究: オープンアクセス


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Bacteria-Soil-Plant Interaction: This Relationship to Generate can Inputs and New Products for the Food Industry

Jeremias Pakulski Panizzon, Harry Luiz Pilz Júnior , Neiva Knaak, Denize Righetto Ziegler , Renata Cristina Ramos and Lidia Mariana Fiuza

A thorough study of microbial communities that inhabit aquatic agro-ecosystems is crucial to a better understanding of what happens in the soil, since these microorganisms play important roles for the maintenance of the habitat. Irrigated rice culture is very common in Brazil. However, the incorrect use of these environments can affect the soil and cause damage. The bacteria-soil-plant interaction has been used in order to support biotechnology, as the rhizosphere possesses a different microbial ecology from the rest of the soil. Microorganisms from this region are directly related to plant growth. Bacterial diversity in soil is extremely diverse, with its population changed rapidly as new nutrients are made available or the existing ones are exhausted. The bacteria that live there receive both the plant nutrients and antimicrobial agents, which are selective and inhibit certain undesirable microorganisms. Aiming at this data, this article has an objective to review existing literature on the interaction between microorganisms and their relationship with the plants, which can be transmitted to food through minerals and/or enzymes, thus enabling the generation of inputs or new products.

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