ISSN: 2375-4338

イネ研究: オープンアクセス


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Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Morphological Traits in some Extinct Local Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L)

Shajedur Hossain, Maksudul Haque MD and Jamilur Rahman

Thirty five local aman rice varieties were evaluated for their variability with regards to yield and yield components. Estimates of heritability and genetic advance in per cent of mean were also obtained for the above traits. In addition, studies on character associations and path coefficients were also undertaken. The highest σ2g was found for number of root hair (103415.40) and the lowest magnitude of σ2g was observed in number of primary branches per panicle (1.97). The highest σ2p was found for number of root hair (109410.31) and the lowest magnitude of σ2p was observed in number of primary branches per panicle (2.61). High GCV and PCV for number of effective tiller, root weight, number of root hair and grain yield per hill (g) indicated that selection of these traits would be effective. Correlation of Grain yield per hill was found to be highly significant and positive for number of root hair, days to flowering and plant height at both genotypic and phenotypic level and negatively significant for number of secondary branches per panicle at both level. Significant positive correlation of grain yield per hill with number of root hair, days to flowering and plant height implied that selection for these characters would lead to simultaneous improvement of grain yield in rice. Further, yield was observed to be positively associated with panicle bearing tillers and number of filled grains per panicle and these characters were noticed to exert high direct effects on grain yield per plant. High indirect effects of most of the traits were noticed mostly through panicle bearing tillers per hill indicating importance of the trait as selection criteria in crop yield improvement programs.

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