当社グループは 3,000 以上の世界的なカンファレンスシリーズ 米国、ヨーロッパ、世界中で毎年イベントが開催されます。 1,000 のより科学的な学会からの支援を受けたアジア および 700 以上の オープン アクセスを発行ジャーナルには 50,000 人以上の著名人が掲載されており、科学者が編集委員として名高い

700 ジャーナル 15,000,000 人の読者 各ジャーナルは 25,000 人以上の読者を獲得


Genetic Variations of V3 and C3 regions in gp120 protein of HIV-1 env gene

Hari Om Singh, Vivek Gupta and Amita Singh

Background: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) is an important cause of morbidity of HIV patients. The development of neurological disease among individuals having an HIV infection is variable. The env sequences of HIV-1 are important for cell entry and neurotropism. The env sequences vary among individuals having HIV infection. Hence the development of neurotoxicity differs among individuals with HIV infection. So far, none of the studies reported the mechanism of neurotoxicity in astrocytes. Hence we comprehended the genetic profile of the gp120 protein of HIV-1 env gene which influences the pathogenesis of neurocognitive diseases

Method: We led the search utilizing multiple databases, specifically, EMBASE, PubMed (Medline), and Google Scholar.

Description: Pathogenesis of HAND is influenced by HIV-1 env sequences. The gp120 glycoprotein serves as a determinant to cross the blood-brain barrier and maintain neurocognitive impairments. The persistence of env sequences within the CNS leads to neurovirulent features and neurotoxicity. The evolution of the env gene is a continuing process that contributes to neurocognitive disease severity.

Conclusion: Genetic profiling of V3 and C3 regions of gp120 motifs in a larger number of HAND patients with various ethnic groups will provide data for the correlation of V3 and C3 regions with IHDS and cognition parameters. This will help to define the risk factor which can contribute to neurocognitive disease.

免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されており、まだレビューまたは確認されていません。