ISSN: ISSN:2167-7964

OMICS 放射線学ジャーナル


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How set backs can dare you rather then define you

Bishoy Tadros

Break Barriers (2019) is a story about uncovering your potential, even if you are the underdog. It’s about learning to apply the virtues of patience, perspective, and purpose to achieve whatever you dream in life. Bishoy’s message is a reminder that your comeback will always be stronger than the original setback. A story highlighted by the lessons learned during his childhood bout with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Bishoy shares how he was tried personally, professionally and athletically throughout adulthood and it was those burdens shouldered along his life’s jour- ney that laid the groundwork for his greatest achievements. Enlightenment triggered a realization within him that setbacks are never instilled to define oneself but instead to dare them to uncover greater potential. 

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