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Physics of Global Warming-Cooling Cycles

Igor Kuzminov*

Nowadays the majority of scientists admit that the phenomena of climate warming and cooling of take place on the Earth. It is considered to be caused by some influences from the outside, either fluctuations of the solar activity, or the influence of human activity, or some other factors. Science does not offer any precise conclusion. It would be a delusion to completely deny the possibility of external influences. The proposed hypothesis considers climate fluctuations as a phenomenon caused by external conditions (influences), i.e. as a natural process.

major factor influencing the climate is considered to be optical properties of the atmosphere which vary depending on its structure and condition. According to the hypothesis these processes in normal conditions acquire an oscillatory character. The process has a multifunctional dependence. All processes together and each separately are subject to thermomechanical and to optical-mechanical calculations.

The present article is the expanded English version of the previously published article in the Eastern European Scientific Journal №1 2016г. The purpose of this publication is to popularize the proposed hypothesis and to find recognition on the international level. Video data on the topic are presented on YouTube « Глобальное потепление. Лекция в шк.2 Туапсе». https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCLZXEfs7-Y&t=9s.

A significance statement

Article has for an object to show physics of cycles of fluctuations of a climate on the Earth. The fact of fluctuation of a climate proves to be true the fact of fluctuation of a level of the World ocean. These fluctuations have direct dependence. Studying of this process will allow calculating mathematical model of prospect of development of this process.

免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されており、まだレビューまたは確認されていません。