ISSN: 2375-4338

イネ研究: オープンアクセス


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QTL Analysis in Aromatic Rice of Assam, India

Preeti Rekha Talukdar, Sunayana Rathi, Khanin Pathak, Sanjay Chetia, Akhil Ranjan Baruah and Ramendra Nath Sarma

The study was carried out to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling 12 morphological traits in rice using a F2 derived from Ranjit and Kola Joha cross. A framework linkage map of 1387.9cM was developed using 102 SSR markers and other few markers linked to aroma. QTL analysis based on composite interval mapping identified 24 QTLs was for 12 traits. Among them two QTLs were identified for grain aroma each on chromosome 5 and chromosome 8, out of which the QTLs between Aro1-BAD2 is in similar position with aroma gene of Basmati rice. Most of the QTLs identified in the current study, showed a range of partial to over-dominance effects, indicating complexity of the traits under consideration. Some genomic regions were associated with more than one trait, indicating linkage and/or pleiotropic effects. Marker linked to the QTLs can be considered for use in marker assisted breeding as being confirmatory to other reports.

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