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Announcement of Special Issue: Plant Genetics Innovations
Genetic Variability, Association and Diversity Study Among the Sunflower Genotypes at Seedling Stage Based on Different Morpho-Physiological Parameters under Polyethylene Glycol Induced Stress
Effect of Land Use on Soil Phosphorous Sorption Characteristics and Physicochemical Properties of Assosa District, of North Western Ethiopia
Integrated management of phytobacterial diseases through the cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and the use of Algerian isolates of Trichodermaasperellum
Sdg’s4Business: how to create value with Sdg’s
Rural Farmers’ Activities in Global warming and Climate change in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Impact of Agroecological Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in the Central Highlands of Madagascar: Case of Itasy Region
The Fox Canyon Groundwater Pilot: Case Study of a California Water Market
Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry: is it the new Brazilian green revolution?
Host specificity of Aceropghagus papayae Noyes (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), introduced parasitoid of Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) into West Africa
Repetitive Strain and Discomfort Faced by the Floriculture Workers due to Working Environment
Impact of organic mulches on soil moisture, weed dynamics and wheat (TriticumaestivumL.) productivity under rainfed conditions
Phenotypic and genotypic screening for postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) tolerant genes in Cassava (Manihot esulenta Crantz)
Genomics of ERF family transcription factor in plants
A fast neutron mutant population in model rice variety KitaakeX and its use to facilitate forward and reverse genetics
Study on effect of types and frequency of sound (music and noise) on seed germination and growth of plants of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba)
Deciphering Biosynthetic Machineries of Iridoid Glycosides in a Medicinal Herb, Pi- crorhiza kurroa through NGS Transcriptomics and Comparative Co-Expression Networks
Contribution of indigenous knowledge to adapt to floods in Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Plant Genomics and Plant science is the major industry for the development, basic need of daily life, create employment, generate income, stronger economy, reeducating financial crises, global Poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world particularly in South Asia.
Phenotyping of segregating generations derived from sunflower interspecific crosses (Helianthus annuus× Helianthus argophyllus)
The CaChiVI2 gene of Capsicum annuum confers resistance against heat stress and Phytophthora capsici infection
Expression pattern analysis of Na+/H+ antiporter from cotton in response to salt stress
Genetic Diversity of Some Quality Protein Maize Lines (Genotypes) As Revealed By Molecular Markers
From Arabidopsis to crops: a molecular tool to increase protein content and broad disease resistance
Influence of Bio-inoculants on the performance of Sugarcane Transplants
Chloroplast genome sequencing of Withania species of high medicicinal value
Yield stabilty of some sugarcane genotypes across seasons and locations
Effect of Seed Inoculation with Actinomycetes and Rhizobium Isolated from Indigenous Soybean and Rhizosphere on Nitrogen Fixation, Growth, and Yield of Soybean
Participatory Onion Variety Evaluation at Fogera District of South Gondar Zone, Ethiopia
Genotype by Environment interaction of food barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes in Southern Ethiopia
Announcement of 5th World Plant Genomics and Plant Science Congress